Wednesday, August 16, 2006

democracy causes killings..democracies also prevent massacre


In India we have widespread crimes based on religious fundamentalism..organizations express their open hatred and animosity towards people of other religions..

In US there is a lot of undercurrent HATE for colored people including Asians and Hispanics. This is manifested in Underground music and cult groups....

the common thread in both the scenarios is that the haters belong to the HAVE community and the hated belong to the HAVE NOT community .... so is it the fear of someone stealing what you feel is rightly yours the fundamental reason for why the HAVEs behave the way they do with the HAVE NOTS? My guess is yes. So an obvious solution is ensure that there is enough for everybody and let there be no place for any kind of feeling of insecurity emerging. The only way this can happen is by having a Capitalistic economy which allows everyone to perform to their potential. Have a democracy to allow everyone the rights to perform.

Both India and United States are democracies and claim to be the largest. One in terms of population and the other in terms of GNP.

So where is the come there are these evils that are soo deep-rooted in these two countries?

The answer is that a democracy and a capitalist setting is conducive for

the crimes to begin and
also great to ensure it does not spread like wildfire.

It is good to start these crimes because in a democratic and capitalist country the HAVE NOTS can dare to have tall aspirations and they try to achieve them. In this process the HAVEs get agitated and the crimes begin. In contrast in a dictatorial setup…u don’t dream of a better future hence u don’t piss anybody off.

A capitalistic and democratic country also ensures that the crimes do not increase like wildfire. It can do so because such an economy gives enough options to people to earn a good livning. It gives a chance to the HAVEs to become SUPER HAVES and HAVE NOTs to become HAVES.

So in jist, a country like India and US will have many such crimes in the days to come. However, none will be very big because there is an internal check mechanism for that.

The only solution I see is Capitalism! (thank you Krishna kumar..)



ela1ne1 said...

i don't think its only the fear of people stealing from what is theirs... a lot of people have a feeling of superiority about something they were born with and have done nothing to earn..belonging to a race or a religion.. and at other times fighting against a common cause(however wrong it might be) gives us a feeling of belonging.. and makes us feel like we're not one person in a gazillion.. and that we're making a difference.. in whatever warped way.

Pratik said...

while I agree that Democracy is the most conducive breeding ground for a Capitalistic economy, an indifferent government can stifle the very fabric that sustains democracy. When convoluted laws are passed to pander the whims of short-sighted politicians (not statesmen or lawmakers) the economy can only stagnate and choke on its own blood. Like the MRTP act which bred license raj and the proposed reservations, which will soon extend to private sector jobs...

Anonymous said...

hmmm....ensure capitalism...and ensure ppl perform to their potential and hence ensure everyone has enuff.....nice thoughts....

but a small hitch i confronted around 3 months do we ensure equality of one of india's most industrially developed states, around a 100 kms from the financial capital.....there's a village with only 3 guys who have passed standard does he compete with an IItian...IIMian....and the lot.....the solution can not be just capitalism....

education at lower levels is just not a good enuff business proposal....a businessman wud better start a B-school than have a primary school.....
i have been trying to formulate a solution (on paper) for some time.....can't really think of nething worthwhile.......but am sure education has to be it to remove the gap between haves & have-nots....

...and trust me if donations could help the world...we'd have been living in needs a dedicated effort...and trust me noone....not even ready to put in the effort coz the work is not challenging enuff....nor does it pay well.....:)